Saturday, 17 July 2010

Always look on the bright side of life, te tum te tum te tum te tum

As you get on a bit and the teenagers head towards legal adulthood, life can occasionally be tricky but you know me, your auntie is the eternal middle aged Pollyanna.

My best bits of having children aged 18, 15 and nearly 14 by auntiegwen aged nearly 44.

You get to have breakfast at the weekend with your daughter. She is returning home after a night out and you're just getting up at 6 like you always do.

Weekend mornings become very peaceful, there is no rush to swimming/ballet/drama/rugby/horse riding. You are the only person awake till at least mid day.

There is so much less driving and waiting about for you and less money paid out on hobbies and extra curricular activities if your children just want to drink, entice members of the opposite sex or play Call of Duty most of the weekend.

Everyone smiles at you as you walk down the street, well at your very beautiful daughters and hot boy of a son beside you. You are now invisible but you can pretend they're looking at you.

On holiday with your beautiful children you get served very quickly in every restaurant or bar, the service is impeccable and there is always something compliments of the house. There will always be a waiter/ess who will fancy your offspring and want to impress.

Now, hasn't your auntie cheered you up and given you something to look forward? You're very welcome.


  1. auntiegwen, i'm there. thanks for focusing on the happy bits and for making me smile. you speak true!

  2. That is so true! Last summer for the first time I had to deal with teenage girl in bikini on beach. Her handsome big brother was very aware of leering young boy eyes on his little sister and I had to stand back and take it all in. Apparently, the parading of tiny body up and down beach is part of the ritual of growing up.
    I have forgotten that one from my youth but was strangely proud of them growing up so confident and sure of themselves.
    And I do love walking along as handsome or beautiful teenager pushes the supermarket trolley along side me!

  3. Angela - yep, I always try and focus on the good, some days it's easier than others.

    Mother Hen - yep, it's nice to see what you've made turn out so well. I also love when people say how like me they are (they are a very improved version of me!)

  4. Fabulous! Mine are a wee bit younger than yours but I can see the glimmer of that kind of freedom on the horizon...just over there.. Now if only I could have a quiet weekend without children with the man that would be brilliant!

  5. Please welcome me into your fold. My daughter turns 13 today...luckily her horse crazed obsession and a super school keeps her from the total grumpy teenager buy in, but I'm not out of the water I?

  6. Just getting into this phase now. I loved this post. I was called a cougar by some lads when my son was helping me get across ice one day. Mortifying. He just said 'ignore them mum, and watch where you are putting your feet'...

  7. Yes! Cheered up! I love looking on the bright side! And there are many...Thanks!

  8. Vegemitemix - ah yes the childfree weekend, nirvana!
    Dividing my time - Congrats on being the mummy of a teen, don't fret she may be a delightful teenager, mine are gorgeous and not a bit of bother. I am deluded and gin ravaged most weeks though
    Lakeland Jo - aawh the kind and solicitous boy child, I've got one of them, love the bones of him
    Sink - there are when you look for them, some days I have to look very very hard, mind...

  9. Susie - thanking you, would you like one of my teenagers for yourself? sure I can't tempt you? I'll let you choose
